
从win7远程桌面到kail,说实在还真挺蛋疼的。网上N多中文资料真心不行!直到后来看到几条英文档,说发行版本的kali/debian系统gnome桌面,在使用vnc或rdp时有一些bug,会出现以下问题Oh no! Something has gone wrong.A problem has occurred and the system can’t recover. Please log out and try again.
解决的办法就是卸载掉Gnome-desktop桌面,使用其它window manager,如这里的LXDE。

1. 安装、开启xrdp服务

# apt-get install xrdp
# service xrdp start
# update-rc.d xrdp enable  //设置开启启动

2. 移除gnome桌面、使用lxde桌面管理器

# apt-get remove gnome-core
# apt-get install lxde-core lxde kali-defaults kali-root-login desktop-base
# update-alternatives –config x-session-manager    //选择/usr/bin/startlxde桌面

Say what? This is probably well known by people that knows Linux a little more than average. I often have Kali Linux running on Hyper-V and I often struggle with resolution using the native Hyper-V console. After a little research I found out that I can install xrdp on the Kali machine and be able to RDP directly into the Kali machine. This post is meant as a reminder to myself on how to do this later in life….

The following steps assumes that you have installed Kali Linux from the latest ISO and did the update procedure:

Apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Apt-get dist-upgrade
In order to install the RDP server you run the following command from a terminal window:

Apt-get install xrdp
After xrdp is installed you can start the server with the following command:

Service xrdp start
If want it to auto start after reboot you need to run this command also:
update-rc.d xrdp enable
Now you should be able to RDP directly into your Kali Linux:
The only problem is that right now there is a bug in the distro (kali/debian with GNOME) causing both VNC and RDP to cause this error message after login:
The only way I found that fixes this is to uninstall the Gnome-desktop and use another window manager (I use LXDE):

Apt-get remove gnome-core
apt-get install lxde-core lxde kali-defaults kali-root-login desktop-base
update-alternatives –config x-session-manager
Choose /usr/bin/startlxde
After this you need to reboot and the RDP should work “perfectly”


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