文章出自百度运维团队博客,原文地址:mysql timeout调研与实测
Variable_name Default Value connect_timeout 5 interactive_timeout 28800 net_read_timeout 30 net_write_timeout 60 wait_timeout 28800
一、 connect_timeout
这个比较好理解,字面上看意思是连接超时。”The number of seconds that the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with Bad handshake”。
$time telnet mysql_ip_addr port $ time telnet 5051 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ? Connection closed by foreign host. real 0m5.005s #这里的5秒即mysql默认的连接超时 user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s
Telnet未退出前通过show processlist查看各线程状态可见,当前该连接处于授权认证阶段,此时的用户为“unauthenticated user”。细心的你懂得,千万不要干坏事。
+--+--------------------+---------------+----+-------+----+----------------+----------------+ |Id|User |Host |db |Command|Time|State |Info | +--+--------------------+---------------+----+-------+----+----------------+----------------+ | 6|root |localhost |NULL|Query | 0|NULL |show processlist| | 7|unauthenticated user|localhost:58598|NULL|Connect|NULL|Reading from net|NULL | +--+--------------------+---------------+----+-------+----+----------------+----------------+
二、 wait_timeout
注意:wait_timeout是session级别的变量哦,至于session和global变量的区别是什么我不说您也知道。手册上不是明明说wait_timeout为not interactive模式下的超时么?为什么你说无论是交换模式或者非交换模式都以此值为准呢?简单的测试例子如下:
mysql> show variables like "%timeout%"; +----------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------+-------+ | connect_timeout | 5 | | delayed_insert_timeout | 300 | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF | | interactive_timeout | 28800 | | net_read_timeout | 30 | | net_write_timeout | 60 | | slave_net_timeout | 3600 | | table_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | wait_timeout | 28800 | +----------------------------+-------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) Date : 2012-2-24 Fri 22:41:24 #可见我把interactive_timeout改为1秒后经过了4秒的时间没有任何请求,连接却没有被断开。为了验证wait_timeout我再把interactive_timeout改回来 mysql> set interactive_timeout=28800; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Date : 2012-2-24 Fri 22:43:43 mysql> show variables like "%timeout%"; +----------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------+-------+ | connect_timeout | 5 | | delayed_insert_timeout | 300 | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF | | interactive_timeout | 28800 | | net_read_timeout | 30 | | net_write_timeout | 60 | | slave_net_timeout | 3600 | | table_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | wait_timeout | 28800 | +----------------------------+-------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) Date : 2012-2-24 Fri 22:43:46 mysql> set wait_timeout=1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Date : 2012-2-24 Fri 22:43:52 mysql> set wait_timeout=1; ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection id: 8 Current database: *** NONE *** Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Date : 2012-2-24 Fri 22:43:55 #可见即使在交互模式下真正起作用的也是wait_timeout而不是interactive_timeout
check_connection函数在建立连接初期,如果为交互模式则将interactive_timeout值赋给wait_timeout,骗您误以为交互模式下等待超时为interactive_timeout 代码如下:
if (thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_INTERACTIVE) thd->variables.net_wait_timeout=thd->variables.net_interactive_timeout;
三、 interactive_timeout
四、 net_write_timeoutite_timeout
看到这儿如果您看累了,那下面您得提提神了,接下来的两个参数才是我们遇到的最大的难题。 “The number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the write.” 等待将一个block发送给客户端的超时,一般在网络条件比较差的时,或者客户端处理每个block耗时比较长时,由于net_write_timeout导致的连接中断很容易发生。下面是一个模拟的例子:
mysql > set global max_allow_packet=1; #目的是让结果集被分成多个包传输给客户端 mysql > set global net_write_timeout=1; #include #include #include main() { MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char *server = "localhost"; char *user = "test"; char *password = ""; /* set me first */ char *database = "test"; conn = mysql_init(NULL); /* Connect to database */ if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn)); exit(1); } /* send SQL query */ if (mysql_query(conn, "SELECT * from big_table;")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn)); exit(1); } res = mysql_use_result(conn); #mysql_use_result不会一次将全部结果给都丢给客户端内存 /* output table name */ printf("MySQL Tables in mysql database:\n"); sleep(7); #模拟网络环境不稳定或客户端处理耗时 while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL){ printf("%s \n", row[0]); } /* close connection */ mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); }
四、 net_read_timeout
“The number of seconds to wait fprintfor more data from a connection before aborting the read.”。Mysql读数据的时的等待超时,可能的原因可能为网络异常或客户端or服务器端忙无法及时发送或接收处理包。这里我用的是iptables来模拟网络异常,生成一个较大的数据以便于给我充足的时间在load data的过程中去配置iptables规则。
mysql > set global max_allowed_packet=1073741824; mysql > set global net_read_timeout=1; mysql > create table test.test(a char(10)) engine=myisam; for((i=0;i<100000;i++));do echo "abcdefghij" >> data.txt;done mysql -uroot -h -P 3306 --local-enable=1 --max-allowed-packet=1073741824 mysql > load data local infile 'load.txt' into table test; iptables -F /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DROP /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 3306 -j DROP iptables -L
执行完iptables命令后show processlist可以看到load data的连接已经被中断掉了,但因为这里我选择了myisam表,所以select count(*) from test;可以看到数据还是被插入了一部分。
五、 net_retry_count
If a read or write on a communication port is interrupted, retry this many times before giving up. This value should be set quite high on FreeBSD because internal interrupts are sent to all threads.
On Linux, the “NO_ALARM” build flag (-DNO_ALARM) modifies how the binary treats both net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout. With this flag enabled, neither timer cancels the current statement until after the failing connection has been waited on an additional net_retry_count times. This means that the effective timeout value becomes” (timeout setting) × (net_retry_count+1)”.